Saturday, October 2, 2010

Sprucin up

gettin fancy- I just added 2 boxes to the side of my blog--

1-A picture slideshow of my photos from Glasgow and Munich
2-A list of wildlife sightings.


  1. Very Fancy-shmancy upgrades to the right!
    Viewed the photo's. Now I am excited for the Wildlife sightings!

  2. Hey! Hans Christian Anderson sings about "ermine!" The fur from those little Stoat sightings!! It's the story put to song of the Empurors New Clothes. That said part goes like this (Hum along if you'd like...) The sleeves are velvet, the cape is ermine, the hose are blue, and the dublett is a lovely shade of green...lovely shade of green...summon the court to convene!
